Opening a can of worms - Targets

about blog hacking

If this is the latest blog post you are reading then congratulations, you have arrived on this site at the beginning! I have ported in some old posts from an earlier version of the site for posterity and labelled them archive. Hopefully by the time this page goes public the site should be something like finished and professional looking. I've deliberately given myself a couple of months lead time to allow me to construct the basics around it so it makes some sense in context.

I decided to break the following blog post up into parts. It was far too long to read all in one go, so I've set it up so each part will be released the following week. Enjoy!

I would begin by talking about who I am and what this site is for but I am building an "About" section specifically to answer questions like those. So I think instead I should start by talking about intent. This blog I'm aiming to be mostly about security and technology, somewhere to consolidate my thoughts and knowledge on how to build a secure modern world to exist and operate in. Naturally there'll be more to it than that as personal freedoms are important and a secure world only has a point if it's worth living in.

I'm aiming at a nice low bar of one post per month as practice has shown I either barely post at all or I post obsessively for short periods until I burn out. I want this blog to become a common regular outlet for me to channel thoughts into, so the slow pace of constant regularity is what I really need.

As for what I intend to post, that will vary a bit. Thoughts and personal insights into technological developments, probably some personal opinions, guides and explanations on how to tackle complex things. I'd also like to start making writeups and walkthroughs on some of the platforms I've learned a lot of this from.

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