Opening a can of worms - Frustrations

hacking walkthroughs puzzles

Now here I'd like to address a pet peeve, while I am immensely grateful to those who've come before me that helped me understand how to complete some of these tasks, there's room for improvement. Sadly unless the person making the writeup is tied to the platform in some way, it is not uncommon for the writer to directly post the final key with minimal or no effort to obscure it.

Now many get annoyed as this allows anyone to be able to use a simple Google to find the answer to these skilled puzzles and complete it without ever accessing the actual resources, but personally I don't care for this. "Script kiddies" for lack of a better term usually out themselves eventually, and its only themselves they are cheating anyway, most go on to learn how to actually do what is asked of them. My concern is the annoyance at being handed the answer, which can really take the fun out of the challenge. In cases where knowing it is "useful" because you just can't get it and need to be fed the answer, I find it only exacerbates the issue, as now you know the answer but can't understand why that's what it is.

One way this could be resolved is by the platforms taking measures to ensure every key is unique to the user, however I don't think it is fair to put the onus on them. Generating your keys in this way while possible adds huge additional layers of complexity to even the simplest puzzles, and actually renders some kinds of puzzle completely useless. I think the effort should be for the writer to carefully lay out instructions, but not include the key in any readable form. This would force anyone using your guide to follow the instructions to get the key and hopefully learn something along the way.

Of course, I will endeavour to do this myself, there are only two other points I'd like to mention. First, the one useful thing in having the key is knowing if your solution is close to being right, but you can achieve a very close approximation of this by simply leaving some indication of the format the intended key should be in. Secondly, this doesn't mean you can't post a screenshot as proof you have achieved the goal, I only ask that you take the time, use one of the many available image editors and obscure the key itself ensuring the image layers have been compressed together so they can't be pulled apart before posting it.

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