
Just a simple note, as you may have noticed I've not posted lately. Those who know me personally will know there is good reason for this, but I am fine, and I will resume posting again in future. Sadly I can't tell you how long this will be as there are some complex things I must resolve first, and...

Posting? On Christmas Eve? What sort of a Scrooge operation is he running over there? Don't worry, I prep these well in advance, it's currently the start of November as I write this and by the time it goes live I'll likely be deep in festivities. If you're wondering about the title by the way, if yo...

So we left off last time with a non-working wrapper script... just can't get the staff these days... so obviously the first thing we want to do is make it work. In Python 3 it works fine the main issue is that when run with Python 2 it freaks out because it doesn't recognize the syntax, but we're al...

The Advent of Code should be active by now, and that's got me thinking about code, and how I haven't really covered it here at all. Now a quick warning, I don't intend to teach the basics of how to code here, I'm really not the right person to do that so I'm going to assume at least a reasonable l...