To be continued


I'm back! So you may have noticed regarding this webpage I have started using Jekyll, this is all part of a plan to use more of the tools commonly available on GitHub.

The layout and appearance is rather simple at the moment, I'm hoping to play more with that later. The mainstay of the idea is there though, underneath the obvious titles I have included a list of each of the test webpages I'm working with, I'll try to keep their titles fairly descriptive.

Underneath those I am having a play with the blogging tech they have available within Jekyll - as you've probably noticed - I'm having a look into this as firstly for the reasons stated above, and I'm interested in having a blog on my proper website once set up, though I may do things differently when I do but it's nice to see whats available. Secondly when testing various software like I am on here, it can be incredibly useful to have a changelog, which is the purpose this blog will likely ultimately have.

Regarding all the stuff you no longer see on here in case you're interested, I'm still expanding my coding languages and understanding. I still touch on the bash scripts occassionally, though I'm mostly looking at javascript now, as much as I am loathe to do it - I'm a heavy noscript user - its important to know to get a full understanding of the software at work on today's internet. If and when I come up with a sensible project or something interesting, do not be afeared, I will create a repo on here dedicated to it so all the world can see how terrible my code is ;). In the mean time I'm working hard with network issues and fixing my laptop, don't you just hate it when your OS doesn't respond the way you need it to. Once I'm done rebuilding that I may be able to get back to some coding, though Raspberry Pi's have piqued my interest once again so don't count on it.

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