
As you can no doubt see, I have a bit of a a theme going, well it's time to take a break. There's two reasons for this, firstly I've missed a few days, secondly though not unrelated is I've been rather busy. This is partly due to dropping back into study mode, but mostly because I've been investigat...

Where am I? As previously discuss I prefer to keep an air of anonymity, though quite a lot of people know where I'm from, and there are telltale indicators if you can trace my accent and internet traffic. Where in cyberspace is a completely other matter as it tells you very little about my phyical l...

When, it's a reasonable question, when do I plan to post here? Well so far it's been every night since I started the drive to begin blogging, but the goal is more like once a week, I mostly wanted to get in the habit of writing posts so I don't forget. As for when the replacement blog will be set up...

So, what is this, well, it's a technical blog, a place for all things computer related to be discussed and thoughts expressed. Now it probably seems a bit weird to stick this on a github repo, especially given I have plenty of experience running webservers. The reason is this is unlikely to be it's...


So, the inevitable question, who am I? Well exactly you may never know, there are some that do but I prefer to keep an air of anonymity between the various things I do. However for you to trust my words and opinions there are things about me you can know without needing to know me personally.

As o...

Okay lets try an experimental new thing, a different kind of post with a new aim. I recently embarked upon an interesting endeavour, looking at new ideas as a means to secure a server. Having recently begun using Kali Linux for it's penetration testing tools I decided I could use a machine for build...

Yup, that's right, we've moved. There was some... unpleasantness... involving the domain I was using, turns out you don't get much for free. As such I have altered my username and dropped back on the github hosting for the time being.

There should come a time in the near future when I get myself a...

So, about the stuff you see before you, for the moment at least there are four items and a bunch of posts. The bunch of posts its probably relatively obvious that it's a blog, not due to be my main blog its a place where I note stuff about my testing. There is another - proper blog - in the pipeline...

I'm back! So you may have noticed regarding this webpage I have started using Jekyll, this is all part of a plan to use more of the tools commonly available on GitHub.

The layout and appearance is rather simple at the moment, I'm hoping to play more with that later. The mainstay of the idea is the...

So, I've tweaked about my github repos a fair bit, everything has a much more slimmed down appearance. Although it's probably relatively easy to sort out when you know how, I decided not to bother trying to get gitea and github to talk to one another, passing updates and such.

Instead I have opted...

So here I am, testing the blog post functionality, and it has to be said, Jekyll is rather weird. A lot less editing of code though, so easier for the average person, except for the small fact that learning code is exactly why I came the github!