

Where am I? As previously discuss I prefer to keep an air of anonymity, though quite a lot of people know where I'm from, and there are telltale indicators if you can trace my accent and internet traffic. Where in cyberspace is a completely other matter as it tells you very little about my phyical location.

Well this part of project is pretty obviously hosted on Github a platform for sharing ope source code amongst other things, it has one of my subdomains pointed at it and is hosted in the cloud somewhere as they can potentially be just about anywhere on just about anything.

When I eventually move and set up this blog elsewhere, I will be hosting it on my own physical hardware which I know a great deal more about. Over time it will probably be modified upgraded and updated, but for now the plan is to put it on a server in my living room. This server has an AMD A10 cpu, 4 cores, 16GB of RAM, 4 x 1 TB SSDs for data storage and backup, so it's got a fair chunk of power despite being old, and room for a variety of other functions.

Why would I tell you this when I'm learning Cyber Security? It's a question of threat level, I don't specifically know any exploits for my equipment, I've only really given vague information, I'm just a small time blogger so I'm not much of a target, I employ good security measures, everything is kept up to date, and my information or anything I have isn't really worth much at all.

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